Money has to flow easily in order for you to be open to your abundance. If you have stress surrounding money, there are easy shifts you can make to begin to change your money consciousness. How can you let money flow out without fear? It’s a very important lesson for earth preschoolers. Think of it like air playfully circulating around you, there should not be panic attached to thoughts surrounding money. You expect air to be abundant so you don’t panic every time you take a breath. If you feel the same about money, your life will become easier.
1. Set up automatic payments for predictable bills. You don't have to put extra energy into deciding the best time to pay your monthly bills. The less energy attached to things you worry about, the better!!
2. Bless your money as you pay for things: Thank you God that I can pay for this bill easily and effortlessly.
3. Think of it as Monopoly money as you pay for necessities: I am so grateful and thankful that I have an unlimited supply of money. Do your best to detach from the worry.
4. Sing about money coming easily and effortlessly (visit Karen Drucker’s channel on Youtube). Being playful without worry is how it will begin to change your life!!
5. Respect money; think of how you have disrespected money in the past and forgive, forgive, forgive yourself and plan to do better. Let it go, there is no upside to being hard on yourself for past mistakes.
6. Why am I so lucky to have the money to pay my bills? Use this as your mantra when unexpected expenses come to you. Your brain wants to provide an answer and in the current moment, most of us are able to pay our bills. Releasing worries about the future will help with your future abundance, as long as you respect money.
7. When you have a bit of extra money, buy gift cards for yourself to places you use money regularly (like the grocery store, gas cards). Bless the gift card as you buy it and again as you use it.
8. Accept gifts from others when they are offered. Do you realize how often people turn away gifts because they feel they should not accept them? If gifts are offered sincerely, get in the habit of accepting them sincerely. A great way to begin is to accept compliments from others. So many people are unable to accept compliments.
9. Make a habit of giving away unused items to charity. Again, set it up as a regular event, given with peace, joy and love instead of making it a chore. Bless the items before giving them away.
10. Begin to write down your “self talk” about money. Get into a meditative state and ask God to release your negative emotions attached to money: guilt, blame, judgment, pain, shame, anger, fear, and sadness. Those are the issues that are holding you back, when you start to change those issues your life will change.