Wednesday, May 20, 2015

It's Not About Enlightenment, It's Using Enlightenment to Be Your Best You (Mad Men)

Don Draper finished his Mad Men run on a hilltop in California chanting "Om".  After a soul-crushing conversation with his first wife, where she basically told him he didn't meet the criteria to fulfill his biological right of being a father (to his own kids) after her imminent death, Don had many reasons to continue his downward spiral of drifting.  But he didn't.

After hitting rock bottom and having a good night's sleep, he centered himself in a peaceful environment, beautiful surroundings and followed his breath in meditation to go beyond his heartbreak to be the best "Don Draper" he could be.  Ironically, Don Draper was not the person he was born to be, because he stole the original Don Draper's identity; but I digress.

Someone else's "breaking point" might be another person's "bump in the road".  Why do some people break and others bend?  Variables are endless.  It might be easier to figure out the factors that make someone rise from the ashes.

Jon Hamm is quoted as saying,

"My take is that, the next day, he wakes up in this beautiful place, and has this serene moment of understanding, and realizes who he is. And who he is, is an advertising man. And so, this thing comes to him,' Hamm told The New York Times. "There’s a way to see it in a completely cynical way, and say, 'Wow, that’s awful.' But I think that for Don, it represents some kind of understanding and comfort in this incredibly unquiet, uncomfortable life that he has led."
So understanding and comfort with one's truth leads to possibilities and potential unique to each of us.  Don's potential led him to creating the iconic Coca Cola commercial that started as a big-budget shoot on a mountaintop in Italy and led to a song known around the world as a Top 20 hit.
Who doesn't want that?  We can all have that!  We can all be the best we can be.  If it was impossible to reach greatness, the stories of Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg and Stephen King.......wait a minute, maybe I should just change my name to Steven, or Don Draper II (jk).........truth be told, we all have unique gifts, special talents and the chance for greatness.  
There is only one "you".  If you aren't using your gifts and talents to their fullest potential, why not?  After a good night's sleep, we can all begin anew, even without hitting "rock bottom".  Life is a gift.  You can create your own peace and harmony without moving to California or Tibet.  Peace begins internally.  
In my opinion, the factors that allow one to "rise from the ashes" are knowing you are unique and worthy, combined with the hope of understanding we all get second, third and endless chances to begin again.  Maybe Don Draper's small children won't connect with him as being their father now, but maybe they will connect with him on a deeper level when they become adults.  Maybe he will be their role model for strength, perseverance and knowing never to give up.  You have to believe you can be a good father before you can become one.
(4th Verse included in Hillside Singers Version "I'd like to teach the world to sing")
"Put your hand in my hand
Let's begin today
Put your hand in my hand
Help me find the way"

Why not??

Have a great day!!


Today's Mantra:  Each morning is a chance to begin anew.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Pondering Perfection.............

Nothing in this world is perfect, so why do we hold ourselves to standards of perfection?  It is important as we build self-esteem to know that mistakes will be made as we learn and grow.  The best things we can do are to acknowledge inevitable mistakes, accept the consequences, learn from them and move on. We all need and deserve a margin of error.  If we make mistakes without making amends, there will always be the part of us that holds onto guilt, unless we process it. It's easier and better for our personal growth to work through guilt by making amends and moving on. In that way, we accept and realize that we are not perfect.  It's actually freeing to know that we are good enough just the way we are.

To know innately that our best is good enough is a huge epiphany for the people that are chronically too hard on themselves.  The "shoulda/coulda/woulda" mentality makes us less confident internally.  We have to believe our best is good enough in order to live our best lives.  We can strive for greatness while understanding that each new skill or situation has a learning curve.

Marie Osmond once mentioned the pressure of being known as the "one-take Osmonds". is quoted as saying, "Because of their meticulous preparation and mature-beyond-their-years professionalism, the brothers earned the nickname 'one-take Osmonds' on 'The Andy William's Show.'  Perfection, however, was impossible to maintain over a lifetime."  It took untold hours of rehearsal time to be known as "perfect".  In reality, the Osmonds looked flawless on camera because mistakes were made before they were filmed.  Having to live up to other peoples' expectations can become too much.

With the way we now communicate instantaneously and globally, mistakes are magnified and consequences become more painful.  We know practice is important in sports, music, education and public speaking.  Public ridicule for mistakes made in a candid moment of an average person can get out of hand quickly and come with disastrous results.

It is now improbable to believe we won't be caught off-guard saying or doing something that can become misunderstood or misinterpreted.  Hopefully, when that happens to us, we are given the benefit of the doubt and supported by those who know us well.

No one is perfect.  Most celebrities have publicists to mold and spin their words and actions; actors are able to redo scenes they disliked.  For the rest of us, forgiving ourselves and others for errors goes a long way in being able to change and grow without fear.

Have a great day!!


Today's Mantra:  I know I am good enough.  When I make a mistake, I choose to make amends and move on.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.