I disliked history class in high school. Now I know that I can learn facts about what happened in the world if I choose to do that. When someone who is good at history lists facts and figures, I used to believe I wasn't interested; then I realized I wasn't interested because I believed I wasn't "good at it". That's resistance.
I can defend myself, just sayin'...nobody knows everything. I can either think, "she's right, I am not good at history", or "I am sure I can learn more about history if I choose to do so." My reaction depends on what I believe about myself.
If someone asked me about Ancient Rome and I don't know when the colosseum was built...if they muttered, "really, you don't know THAT??", the internal "me" would have judged myself. That limits my future possibilities and potential.
The processing of negative beliefs takes away the emotional charge that has built up around it. We want the original memory to be available to us without a negative charge, we want it to be neutral. I wasn't the best at history then, but I was good at other subjects. We all need to know how great we are in our own ways, then we can use our gifts and talents to make the world better.
Be powerful. Know you are enough. If someone makes a comment and you react, use that information to process negative beliefs about yourself. You are worth it!