In the land of perfect communication, it would be great if the recipient responded with information even if he or she couldn't yet give the information we were asking for. "Thanks for your inquiry, I have requested an update from my counterpart in charge of the project but he is out of the office today so there will be a delay to your answer."
With this age of constant communication, it's overwhelming and difficult to keep up with all of the information being requested. My intention is to discuss the judgment factor and give someone the benefit of the doubt, if possible.
When running a business, it's not fair to anyone to keep employees who don't do their jobs. We all know that to be true. In a capitalist society, it's unrealistic to be charitable to someone who displays an ongoing disregard for the requirements of a job. Thoughtlessness and carelessness are more difficult to understand that a set of unforeseen or undesirable circumstances (health issues, an accident).
I have been responsible for large groups of employees. In retrospect, I've made good and bad decisions reacting to someone's lack of response to an issue. As I learn and grow, my personal goal is to try, when possible, to gather and consider the relevant facts in a situation before making a judgment about competency. We all hope to be given leniency for our mistakes, including lack of communication. Taking a moment before reacting can allow us to make better choices when deciding someone's fate.
Have a great day!
Today's Mantra: I will make an effort to gather facts before judging someone.
Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.
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