Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Preparing for Dreams Becoming Reality: Learning from Walt Disney

I haven't seen the movie about Walt Disney but I have always been in awe of him.  Most of us know the details, Walt Disney had several secret corporations buying up swamp land in what is now Disney World property.  Trying to imagine what is now Disney World from what was worthless swamp land is outside the realm of most of our realities.

It seems so difficult to imagine having a vision that monumental.  Part of it has to do with your comfort level with change.  The world has innovators, early adaptors, and a spectrum of differing degrees of our propensity for change, but we all need to continue to grow and dream to live our best lives.

Regardless of whether you still own a flip phone and drive a Chevy Caprice, everyone must have hopes and dreams to live an epic life.  Some of us have just let them drift off our radars.  It's time to dust them off!

What is your personal "Disney World"?  Dreams, big and small, begin with a thought, then start to be created by writing them down.  After that, it takes one step at a time, effort and perhaps additional training, followed by the flexibility to change course when necessary, to find yourself closer to your dreams each day.  

We all want more, we all deserve more and we all can move toward more, one step at a time.  There is only one Walt Disney, there is only one you.  Don't let Walt's dreams overwhelm yours because each and every dream is valid.  We all have potential that has not been reached.  We all deserve to find it.

Interestingly, some articles about Walt Disney mention he "kept the faith" when he was surrounded by doubters.  Believing in our dreams in the face of adversity may be necessary but is worth it!!

Have a great day!!


Today's Mantra:  I intend to write down my dreams and begin to move toward them.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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