Thursday, July 16, 2015

Life Balance

In the December 26, 2010, "The Sunday Conversation", Irene Lacher, Special to the Los Angeles Times quotes Deepak Chopra as saying, " 'I take stock every three or four months. Every four months or so, I take a week off to be in total silence, to look back and see what I should be looking at in the future.' Deepak Chopra was quoted as saying every three months he takes time to regroup and recharge."

When we honor ourselves by taking time out, we have a chance to put everything into perspective.  Easier said than done, right?  Teresa Meek wrote an article for titled To Be More Productive At Work, Take A Vacation -- Or A Nap which states, "Americans are known for working hard. About 40 percent of workers feel too overwhelmed by workplace demands to take their full time off. Another 13 percent worry that so much work will pile up when they’re away that they’ll have trouble catching up when they come back, the study said."  She also said bosses could consider employees who take their full vacation as less-dedicated and less-productive.  Yikes!!

What's the bottom line?   Most of us know burn-out isn't good for us mentally, physically or spiritually.  But too many are unwilling to take all of the vacation allotted to them.  Can you take it a step at a time?  If you want to change, start small.  Honoring yourself means doing your best and it never has to be all or nothing.

It's about finding a quiet space in our minds.  That can be different for everyone.  Our bodies, minds and spirits work together to allow health or sickness.  Start with awareness, bring attention to what you want to change, and do your best, one day at a time.  We must be our own advocates and those who take advantage of us will do so until we set boundaries.  Big changes begin with small steps.  If you take care of yourself more this summer than you did last summer, you are doing great!

Have a good day!!


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