Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It Is Easier to Uncover Personal Truth in a Private, Quiet Setting

What if there was a show of true confessions?  Regardless of what we show the world, no one is in our heads 24/7, except for us....and that is a good, good thing.  Yes, it is important, in some situations, to publicly acknowledge our weaknesses.  However, the inner work I have done, my deepest, darkest fears, are the ones that have been life-changing when I have processed them.

I have become more introspective with the questions of why I believe what I believe and why I fear what I fear.  As a result, my life has become more open to my highest potential and possibilities.  When we are stuck in our heads, we need to create the space to realize the meaning behind each fear.

A few years ago, someone told me I needed to have an internet presence for my work.  At that time, I wasn't even on Facebook.  My internal work begins with the question "why not?".  Those answers were strongly rooted in my subconscious.  It takes time and a quiet space to find the reasons.  The reasons are private and I won't go into them here, but just know I was able to work through them and release the fear attached to my resistance.

When we stop and "get quiet", we find a deeper understanding of beliefs we hold onto that may not be true.  When our conscious and subconscious beliefs match, we are in alignment.  That is when good things begin to happen for us.

No one needs to know every one of your fears.  In fact, as you begin to uncover your inner feelings, it can be detrimental to ask others for their opinions.  The work is between you and you.  No one is perfect on Earth.  The good new is our deepest work brings our deepest results.

It can be emotionally painful but it is truly worth it, when you are ready to change.  Some may not ever be ready to change.  That is fine, too.

Just know that not being congruent with our inner and outer beliefs can cause stress, which begins to hurt the physical body.  Try to forgive yourself for any mistakes you are holding onto, because we all make mistakes and we all deserve forgiveness, after we have made amends.

Have a great day!


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