Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Are You Embracing Your Life or Resisting It?

Whatever we resist has an extra layer of "yuck" attached to it.  With resistance, we need to break it down and try to figure out "why" we are not embracing something.  Then, we can make changes.

If you are feeling that overall your life is not joyful, start by thinking of what you love about it and what you dislike about it, then we can focus on what is not working and makes some easy changes.  Everything can feel better with a small bit of effort.

Are you loving your coffee or tea?  Have you considered flavored coffee or tea, what about flavored creamers?  It doesn't have to cost more, nor does it have to be from a coffee joint.  Do you dislike your commute to work?  If yes, have you considered listening to books or comedy podcasts?  There are lots of free offerings at the library.  It can turn time spent "getting by" into time well-spent.

What about your lunches?  If you are taking the same old sandwich, try spicing it up a bit, adding different ingredients, different condiments or even adding a love-note to yourself.  People will wonder what's going on when you smile at the lunch table ;)

Now onto that you love your job?  Can you volunteer for a committee that would change up your work environment?  What about taking a five minute break to feel the sun on your face during the day?  Can you post for a better position or just update your resume so you are ready for change?

Sometimes, we all need a gentle nudge to realize we are stuck in a rut.  We don't have to win the lottery to embrace our lives.  We only need to understand we have more freedoms that we believe we do.  Then, take small actions to begin to feel good about our lives again.  You deserve to live your best life.  You deserve to love the life you live.

Have a great day!


Today's Mantra:  I intend to make a small change today to being to embrace my life.

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