Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Process the Bad And Hold On To the Good

Do you have friends or acquaintances that perhaps have a hard time letting go of the bad things that have happened to them, to someone they know or to someone they have heard about in the news?  Sometimes, these people may be referred to as "Debbie Downers"  which may be harsh.  I don't believe they bring others down on purpose.  I believe they think they are doing an act of service to the rest of us, reminding us to be careful out there, because life is hard.

Yes, we all are safer with a community watch, reminders of who to be on the lookout for, forwarded emails and Facebook posts about what's going on in our 'hoods, but the important distinction is how much we dwell on the bad. Some of us become addicted to bad news.  

We all have good and we all have bad.  We must process the bad to be done with it.  Keep the lesson, but release the belief that if there is a potential for something bad to happen, it will happen to you.  If we don't process trauma and fear, we are setting ourselves up for further bad down the line.  Holding onto stress can have a negative effect either in body and/or in mind.  The bad must be acknowledged, processed and released to move forward, and then it can be a memory without pain attached.

Those steps must be taken to live our fullest and most productive lives.  Individuals who don't take those steps feel like it's their jobs to remind the rest of us of the bad, sometimes often.  So here's the deal, no need to be harsh, no need to be rude.  We acknowledge the gift they give us as an opportunity to gage whether or not our personal processing has been done on each issue.  We thank them and move on without re-engaging with the negative energy of unnecessary fear.

I used to believe every time someone reminded me of a bad possibility, it was an indication I was not taking appropriate action to keep myself safe in our big, bad world.  But every time I made myself safer, I shut myself off from possibilities that could have been mine.  Now, I do my best either taking action or deciding it's not necessary, and move on without re-engaging.  We don't have to protect ourselves from every random negative act that could happen.  

Checking our locks on our doors, using our seat belts and eating our vegetables are wonderful habits.  Have an awareness of anyone in your life who has a pattern of making you feel unsafe.  We need to be open and receptive to our personal possibilities in order to live our best lives.

Have a great day!


Today's Mantra:  I choose to take action to keep myself safe and release the fears that are keeping me from my best life.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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