Thursday, October 9, 2014

Do You Feel Comfortable With Your Authentic Self?

Most of us have heard of "being authentic".  In contrast, we all have different "faces" we share with the people in our lives.  We have public selves and private selves; we know people who overshare and others who undershare.  Sharing aside, being true to ourselves is one of the most important things we can do to be happy.

Being authentic is unique to each of us, but it doesn't mean we have to speak our truth 24/7.  It doesn't mean sharing our most private secrets with the world, or standing up in public disagreeing with a crowd of people who believe the exact opposite of what we believe.  But knowing, in our hearts, who we are is imperative to living our best lives.

Then, once we are able to resonate with who we are and who we want to become, it is easier to find ways to create room for expansion of that criteria.  If I was in a crowd of people and I disagreed with their message, I wouldn't stand on a chair and say, "Let me explain to you why your values are off-base......." but I would silently acknowledge their right to their opinions and leave as soon as possible.  We don't need to shout our convictions from the rooftops to prove them. gives a quick quiz to see if you are ready to figure out who you are at your core:

"Find out if you are ready to find your authentic self and begin to live by design. Respond to these questions honestly and thoroughly. There are no right or wrong answers; rather, these questions are designed to get you thinking about your authentic self............

1. Did you at one time listen carefully to your innermost voice? Describe this moment. When was it and what was the circumstance? Do you suspect that somehow, somewhere along the way, you have lost contact with it?

2. Is your behavioral life, your public persona, at odds with the values, beliefs, desires, passions and visions that define your authentic self? If so, how?

3. Do you know, today, in vivid detail, who the authentic you is? Or are you living a compromised existence?"

So when you are ready, begin to lean toward your values, desires, and beliefs.  It makes us feel more genuinely happy when we are able to align our actions to our authentic selves.  You can find lists of values online if you need ideas.  The awareness of how we act vs. how we want to act can be a powerful motivation to create change.  

Have a great day!


Today's Mantra:  I choose to discover and become comfortable with my authentic self.

    Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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