Friday, August 21, 2015

(Un)Focus for Clarity.....(Every Day is a Winding Road)

The ingrained tools of how to be a good student can block us from being a good student of life.  To "go with the flow" instead of working harder can sometimes get us further, faster as we shift paradigms and regroup.  When we are focused on trying harder, we can miss the (symbolic) forest if we can only see individual trees.

So all of you control freaks out there (you know who you are, I'm a recovering control freak myself).......if you can stop trying to control things that are out of your control, your life will become more relaxed, and that is "the flow".  Did you hear the angels singing??  Or was it Sheryl Crow???

"Every day is a winding road.....
Jump in lets go
Lay back, enjoy the show
Everybody gets high 
Everybody gets low"
Sheryl Crow/Brian Macleod/Jeff Trott

So if we worry less about the past (after we make amends) and worry less about the future (after we take steps toward our goals), that is when we can live in the moment (aaahhhhhhh).  Living in the moment is one of the secrets (shhhh) to our best lives.  

How do we release worry?  There are many, many ways.  Meditation, exercise, hypnosis, and/or making the choice to stop worry in its infancy are all options (I visualize the red circle with a line through it when I become aware of overthinking a situation).  A few "gurus" suggest putting a rubber band or rubber bracelet around your wrist and snapping it when awareness kicks in (ouch).  Some options are easier and faster than others.  I work with releasing worry and fear through methods involving deep, deep relaxation.  I had previously tried affirmations alone for many years without great results so I "jumped into" other methods :)

When you are ready, take a minute or two to reevaluate where all of your excess worry has gotten you in life.  If you haven't gotten closer to your goals through excess worry, perhaps this is the time to make an important replacement in your toolbox.  Take action, release and let go.  

Have a great day!!


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