"If I had a million dollars
(If I had a million dollars)..."
Ed Robertson/Steven Page
When we don't have five dollars to our names, it's detrimental to do million dollar affirmations and visualizations. Just as it takes "practice, practice, practice" to get to Carnegie Hall, it takes practice to expand our possibilities and potential for good. If you had a caregiver that told you over and over again you wouldn't amount to anything, that voice in your head could be limiting your potential.
When we hear to stories of people rising from the ashes to succeed, we don't always get the details of how they overcame their circumstances. In almost all cases (and I've studied this) the "overcomers" had someone (or multiple someones) in their lives to counteract the person or people who told them they were "no good".
Having the awareness that it is necessary to retrain our inner voices of doom, sadness and unworthiness is essential to success!
Let's make our own nursery rhyme (fingers crossed it gets stuck in your head).....
"Good before great
It's never too late
To retrain our brains
When deciding our fates
We know that it works
One step at a time
To find our true worth
While learning to shine
We must be supported
On the journey to change
And we must love ourselves (to)
Expand our "worthiness" range
Knowing this truth
Is the way to achieve
All we desire
But we must, first BELIEVE"
Conni Halffield August 20, 2015
Have a great day!!
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