Friday, June 3, 2016

Just Like in PreSchool, Details Matter

Remember learning about why we need decimal points? The dot seems so insignificant but it changes everything.  That's the truth for emotional clearing, too.

Global affirmations are good, but specific and personal emotional clearing based on our exact circumstances is better.  The power is in our personal details and why we resist and react to each one.

Here's an example:  I have a fear of heights.  It has gotten better, but there is still a smidge of work to do.  I have done plenty of emotional healing work on the global fear of heights, but a more powerful option is to work specifically on what happened to me that created the fear.  I don't have that memory as of now.  When I do, it will be a good opportunity to clear out the negative effects of that memory.

If you are in emotional pain, the painful memories matter.  Start by making a list of them, then prioritize them in terms of what is the most hurtful.  It's really hard to walk through life carrying the baggage of our past.  We now have the tools to reduce that suffering.

Change is necessary and we all have a new opportunity to change each and every day.  The more you practice, the better you get, just like in school.  This is better, though, because you will never be graded and each step forward leads to more peace and happiness.

Have a great day!


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