I had a vision during my morning meditation. The human race is floating in an ocean. The water is our energy and our abundance. We are all holding hands, inner-connected. Our breath is unconditional love. It is necessary to survive.
If we disconnect, it's over for us. One disconnected person takes us out of balance. If we break apart, separate groups are never as strong as the whole. It's not about our potential at this point, it's about survival. We have to be connected first, before we have a chance for anything more than that.
Yes, we all have potential greater than we know. But unless we realize we are all one and must stay connected to survive, the rest of it just doesn't matter. Our gifts and talents don't matter if we can't stay afloat.
Some of us can't swim as well as others, but we can all float. Floating together is stronger than floating on our own or in groups. When we need to hold on to each other to survive, it is an equal obligation to reach out and to hold on. Both are necessary.
Breathe in, breathe out. Float first, knowing each inner-connected breath is necessary to existing. That is our foundation. That is staying in the moment. Our strength comes from knowing that. Of course, the rest of it does matter. There is always someone explaining to us how to improve our circumstances and it is good to evolve.
Third-world countries have less food, luxury and technology but that forces them to be more aware that life is precarious. When did we lose touch with that? If we acknowledge that everyone has hardship, does it take away from someone else's? No, we all need to be validated. Basic human needs discuss connectedness. It should be highlighted that connectedness must extend to each human being on this earth.
If it was only about floating in the ocean, it is harder if you don't know how to swim. We don't have to listen experts, though. If someone says it's easier to float over there, we can stay over here and that's OK, too. Experts are not super-human, they might have more knowledge in one area but no one person can see the total picture, every moment. Maybe they over think things and they are wrong. We all have different skills, all skills are needed.
When we float, we don't see each other's differences, we are just holding on each other's hands. We are looking at the bigger picture, the sky. When we get comfortable with that, we can go internally to know how to best present our gifts and talents in the world. We learn and grow individually but we cannot forget to stay connected, that is our foundation.
If we wake up each morning, knowing we need to stay connected, we treat each other differently. We begin with knowing we are stronger together. We look at each other through a filter of love. When we begin with connection, then listen to our own wisdom of how to evolve as individuals, we are all on a better path to peace.
Yes, there are bad seeds. But a bad seed is an individual seed, not a group of seeds. We are always stronger when we highlight our commonalities. We are all in this together, let's make the intention to work together to stay afloat.
Yes, there are bad seeds. But a bad seed is an individual seed, not a group of seeds. We are always stronger when we highlight our commonalities. We are all in this together, let's make the intention to work together to stay afloat.
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