Friday, July 8, 2016

Raising the Vibration of Love

Can you feel love, hear it in the tone of voice, know it's there as someone speaks to another......can you spot a fraud.......someone who speaks loving words in a tone that doesn't match?  Words are magical and can be affirming, but when they are connected with the intention and vibration of love, an alchemy happens that is hard to match.

I am more able to have a vibration of love when I make an intentional choice to breathe deeply and just "be"; the art of staying in the moment, relaxed, knowing everything is ok in this moment, purely because I am alive.  I am more able to love myself and others when I feel acknowledged and appreciated.  

If, for whatever reason, you realize that you are spending most of your day in an unloving environment, it can be difficult to connect to love.  Do you have time at night to reconnect to it? When I was in a place where love was harder to capture,  I listened to Ray Charles on YouTube, sing "What a Wonderful World".  Sometimes I listened 15 times a day, whatever it takes!

If you immerse your senses in things that remind you of love, your love vibration will rise.  Find a way to get to a relaxed state, as discussed, deep breathing: four counts in, feeling love; four counts out, releasing tension.  As we are waking in the morning and as we are becoming drowsy at night, we are more able to access our deeper states of consciousness.  Those are great times of day to work on change.  

Do you feel like you are worthy and deserving of love?  Can you take some time to think about that?  If you don't believe you are worthy and deserving, don't worry, we can work toward that together.  You (yes, you!!) are innately worthy and deserving of unconditional love.

When our kids were really small, my sister-in-law and I got them involved in making a list of what they needed to feel physically and mentally nurtured.  Together, we came up with at least 20 things:  a warm washcloth on their foreheads, a warm bath, a Popsicle, a nice note, chicken noodle soup, a blanket and pillow, holding a hand on their arm, soothing words.  If you weren't nurtured as a child, being a nurturing person is a skill that can be developed.  There are lots of ideas online about how to nurture and be nurtured.

Feeling loved, lovable, and deserving of love are all necessary to become your best self.  

Have a wonderful day!


Today's Mantra:  I choose to raise my vibration of love with intention and purpose.

(edited and republished)

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