Friday, May 2, 2014

Hitting Pause Before an Automatic No

Do you talk yourself out of things that don't automatically make sense or have a purpose?  That could be your intuition giving you an idea you might want to consider, or it could be an opportunity to savor a moment in time.  It might be in your best interest to hit "pause" before saying "no".

I often crave taking a bath.  I wondered why.  Then I read that taking a shower or bath puts you more in touch with your intuition.  That makes sense, right?  A while ago, I even bought a little pad of paper and a pencil designed for the shower, because most people are able to come up with good water-induced ideas.

Why do we try to talk ourselves out of simple pleasures?  If you become aware, you might hear it all around you.  Dad, can I play in the rain?  Can we walk instead of drive?  Let's go out for a celebratory ice cream with no reason to celebrate!!  All of these could be answered by "yes" or "no".

If you say "no" to your kids then rethink it, there is no harm in a do-over.  Do you make yourself hurry through situations that you could savor?  (If I use "could" there is no judgment attached, only awareness.)  The book "Simple Abundance" was one of the first books that talked about this topic; enjoying the everyday things while being grateful.  

Savoring the moment is the whole marketing campaign behind Countrytime Lemonade.  Being nostalgic is about a feeling and when we feel good, we want to stay in that place.  Even though we can't stay forever; we can recreate a similar feeling, if not the exact circumstances.  Our goal is to continuously build good memories, they don't have to be life-changing, just something that makes you happy.

Being logical, while talking yourself away from simple pleasures, wins no points on the scoreboard of life.  We can always find an excuse why we shouldn't (no judgment, only awareness) do something.  Question everything, because habits aren't necessarily good or bad, but they can be fine-tuned to give you more pleasure.  If you need anything, I'm going to take a bath;)

Have a wonderful day!!


Today's Mantra:  Savor simple pleasures.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.


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