Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Do You Know the Legend Of King Arthur's Sword?

Wikipedia's explanation is "Arthur obtained the throne by pulling a sword from a stone. In this account, the act could not be performed except by 'the true king,' meaning the divinely appointed king or true heir."  I believe the story is a great metaphor for life. Most of us listen to advice from outward sources.  The truth is that when we let go of our resistance and listen to ourselves, we can reach our goals more easily and effortlessly that when we fight for everything.

You are the "ruler" of your own life, once you are an adult.  On the journey to becoming an adult, your job is to learn your personal preferences of what you really, truly, sincerely love to do and who you really, truly, sincerely want to be.  We all make so many missteps at finding ourselves but that is what is supposed to happen as humans.  The kids, young adults, and adults that aren't making mistakes aren't learning and growing.  

In King Arthur's story, many tried to pull the sword from the stone with brute strength, but none were successful.  When you are "trying too hard" to do or be something without pure intentions, life is a struggle.  When you are able to let go of the struggle, everything begins to make sense.  I remember even Oprah giving advice saying she struggled at the beginning of her career, when she was trying her best to be an imitation of Barbara Walters instead of trying to be the best Oprah Winfrey she could be, and that's advice we can all take to the bank!!

My goal is to be the "perfect me".  I don't like weapons of destruction so I wouldn't have even tried to pull the sword from the stone.  And it takes too much energy for me to pretend to enjoy things I don't like. 

Please do your very best to get to know what the "perfect you" looks like, in every category.  What is your perfect job, relationship, circle of friends; what do you wear, what do you eat, do you sing karaoke or sing in the shower?  Then try to find your resistance between you and the "perfect you".  You are the "true heir" to your own greatness.  Releasing resistance around trying to become someone you are not is the pathway to getting you there.

Have a wonderful day!!


Today's Mantra:  I intend to spend time understanding my hearts' desires.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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