Saturday, April 12, 2014

Guilt is a Wasted Emotion after You Have Done Your Best

I just met a friend of mine while I was taking a walk. She was telling me she travels back-and-forth to a different state to take care of her mother who has dementia. Her mother is in a home and my friend was racked with guilt because she couldn't be there full-time since her family lives here. 

"I feel so guilty", she said. "Why?" I questioned. Guilt is a wasted emotion after you've done your best. She's been back-and-forth and back-and-forth being with her mom as much as she possibly can.

Her family is here and she has commitments here and she can't move there full-time and she can't be there full-time.

She has so many reasons why she can't be there, but she still feels the guilt. We can let go of guilt if it's not serving us for a higher purpose. There's absolutely no reason to feel guilty if you've done your best and you can't do anymore. 

Your best is what's best for you based on your own values and judgments. You should let go of anyone else's values and judgments - each and every single person has their own set. All you have to worry about is your relationship with yourself and any higher power that you believe in. 

Other than that, no one is perfect. The old saying that people in glass houses shouldn't throwstones is extremely appropriate. Each of us lives in our own glass house. No one is perfect - we are all doing the best we can.  Allowing yourself to release guilt actually gives you more energy to do the things that you need to do in your life. Guilt is a wasted emotion. Once you've done the best you can, let it go.

Have a wonderful day!!


Today's mantra:  I choose to release guilt when I have done my best.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.


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