Friday, August 22, 2014

Taking Responsibility to Lead a More Peaceful Life

Have you ever tried to get out of trouble when it was your fault?  Have you considered that dodging the consequences of your actions might do more harm that good, depending on how you process situations internally?

I have been thinking about how our brains and bodies work with our internal belief systems.  We all have our own filters of the line between right and wrong, good and bad.  If your filter or lens believes it's ok to do something or to not do something, you will process the same action differently than how someone else does who has either more lenient or more stringent filters.  

It dawned on me this morning that it's a privilege to be responsible for my actions.  I'm allowed to take responsibility.   I am worthy and deserving of taking responsibility.  I decided to own it.  Yeah, it unravels all of the "coulda, woulda, shoulda" stuff in my mind if I own it, accept it, make amends, and move on.

Have you noticed when people try to explain away decisions they are not proud of?  We are disempowering ourselves by trying to get away with our actions or "dodge the bullet".  We spend time and effort trying to defend actions (to ourselves or others) that may not be aligned with our values.  The secret always is to own it but then release it.  Yes, I did it, I own it, I am comfortable with my decision at that time in my life, based on those circumstances.

I used to believe I had to make amends five levels beyond myself.  If I forgot to tip the postman, I would also feel guilty about not tipping the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker.  So pull back on what you are responsible for to the first level and make amends there.  Release yourself of further obligations beyond that.  

When you can make the shift that being allowed to take responsibility for your actions is a gift and not a burden, you can use the information to relieve stress on your life, providing space for better things to happen.  You begin to have a sense of peace, which is the optimal way to live your best life.

Have a great day!


Today's Mantra:  I'm allowed to take resposibilty for my actions.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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