Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My Counsel of Heroes

Napoleon Hill’s book, “Think and Grow Rich”, is a classic for people who believe we can positively influence the course of our lives by changing thought patterns.  He used the concept of a Counsel of Heroes to focus on qualities he felt were his weak areas in his life.  Napoleon Hill used a group of men seated at his Counsel Table.  He was the chairman.  He rebuilt his own character through focusing on a composite of the characters of his counselors.  He called it "voluntary rebirth".

Here is my version of that exercise.  You might want to try it yourself.  Awareness is always the first step to change.  The Counsel of Heroes allows us to focus on our desire to move forward in certain areas of our lives....

Oprah, I wish to acquire from you and impress on my subconscious mind the qualities which enable you to inspire and arouse the population to a greater and more determined spirit of action; for my highest possibilities and potential, using pure intentions of making the world a better place.

Deepak, I wish to acquire from you the patience and ability to live in the present moment and attract people on the same path as I move toward living my heart's desires.  Your steadfast vision to improve yourself and the world inspires me to move beyond my current, self-imposed boundaries.

Martha Beck, I wish to acquire from you a thorough understanding of the principles of organized effort, which you use so effectively to manifest your dreams, to allow something greater than our current circumstances project.  You have provided me the ability to "find my own North Star". 

Tim Russet, I admire you greatly and I am still sad that I did not get to meet you in this lifetime.  I wish to acquire your spirit of persistence, poise, and self-confidence, while balancing kindness and the knowledge of how lucky you are through the Grace of God.  You life experiences were a road map to understanding how miracles can unfold for those who believe in a benevolent world.

Joseph Murphy, I wish to acquire your depth of knowledge and understanding of how to correct the direction of my thoughts.  Thank you for your gift to the world.  Your thought processes were so far ahead of your time.  

I greatly admire my heroes.  They allow me to see where I can change my intentions to create a stronger and more powerful "me".  We can choose to be strong as we become authentic, using our highest gifts and talents in the world.  If you are intrigued by the concept, I challenge you to use it in your own life.

Have a great day!

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