Thursday, June 9, 2016

"New" Ideas are Really "Old School"

If a new idea isn't in our current paradigm, it takes several attempts to comprehend it.  The term "mind-body" can cover a lot of ground.  My version is whatever we do on the inside affects our external self, and whatever we do on the outside affects our internal self.

More importantly, though, is the understanding that what we believe subconsciously can be more powerful than what we say and do when there is conflict between the two.  That is when it is critically important to have an awareness of what you believe deep down.

Some people think emotional healing techniques are new.  Actually, they are thousands of years old but with a modern twist.  Our "new" techniques are based on "old school" beliefs.  People who are searching for more are striving to connect to inner peace.  That's a timeless concept.  

Here is one example...If you know anyone who was unwanted as a child, that individual most likely has long-reaching issues with self-worth, unless he or she has already gotten help to process that pain.  If your parents told you that you were unplanned or that they wanted the opposite sex (boy vs. girl), even in jest, those statements could make you feel less worthy and deserving that other kids who grew up knowing they were wanted and unconditionally loved.

Why does that matter?  Well, it matters because if we have an underlying belief we aren't worthy of more, we settle for less.  None of us should be willing to settle for less.  We all need a purpose and hope for a better tomorrow to make getting up everyday worthwhile.

It's not that people who feel unworthy can't function, hold down jobs or keep a smile on their faces. Part of it is about what happens when the chips are down.  That is when our inner demons come to play.  The power of those demons can be lessened and that is what changes how we resist and react to negative stress.

Using our "old school" techniques of meditation, releasing stress with breathing or acupressure-related techniques or connecting to a higher power through nature, will bring us to a better place.  That is mind-body.  It is knowing we have to internally change to make lasting external changes.  It's the "old school" way to find peace and happiness.

Have a great day!


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