Friday, July 15, 2016

If Your Emotional "Baggage" is Bigger than a Carry-On...

One of the differences between the people that have success and those who do not is that we all start at different points in the game of life. Some people start their journeys with less traumatic or less chronic challenges; or they have figured out how to process the negative energy to allow their lives to flow.

On the spectrum of trauma, it makes sense that people who had trauma at a younger age and/or repetitive trauma will have more to overcome than those who had less trauma. If you grew up with daily challenges, it affects you more than if you had a normal childhood with a few challenging days. Please understand my intention:  neither chronic nor one-time abuse is what we would wish on anyone, it hurts me to see anyone or anything suffer...but there is more processing to do if your challenges are more intense or have become patterns.

My paradigm shift, after years of research, is that feelings of abundance and safety have to be internal and must be so strongly believed that the fear of bad things happening again does not have an emotional hold on you. We have to believe, with every fiber of our beings, that we have the possibilities and potential for a better future.

Subconscious beliefs are stronger than conscious beliefs. If you are recovering from being in the middle of a war zone, most people need to do more than meditate about it. There is a large amount of free information on how to do this. Gary Craig offers the Emotional Freedom Technique information for free at about how to remove blocks. Andrew Weil has wonderful complimentary information about breathing exercises. Please note...significant trauma should be processed with a professional.

If you were taught that you were not worthy and deserving, it takes work to allow the seeds of worthiness and feeling deserving to grow. It's a process, one step at a time, leading to a more peaceful life. Maybe someone else's grass seems greener, but who knows if they started with greener grass or if they have weeds ready to pop through the ground into the open...


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