Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What's Your Mantra?

Using the second definition from Merriam-Webster, a mantra is:  "a word or phrase that is repeated often or that expresses someone's basic beliefs".  My favorite mantra to my kids is that I love them just because they were born.  In reference to the post "More on Praise", it is neither effort nor accomplishment (well, we could argue leaving the womb takes a bit of both); but to be loved innately is one of the secrets to allowing a person's inner strength to blossom.  

Have you taken the time to discover what you say to yourself and/or your family over and over during the day?  If it's negative, for instance, "of course that happened to me, I have really bad luck", you may be creating a mood of negativity.  What you perceive and repeat over and over becomes what you believe is your reality.  If you believe you are unlucky, each negative occurrence will be felt more deeply than if you believe you are lucky!!

These are the filters in which our brain takes a set of circumstances and puts it into a category, confirming what we already think is true for us.  The same event can be perceived differently by two people, but the way your brain filters it makes a difference in your mood.  It resonates based on whether you confirm an incident as good or bad, or let it go as an anomaly.  Our first reaction does not include objectivity as we decide how to perceive a situation, unless we purposefully do so.  We usually take each situation and put into a category already labeled by our brains.

If you think, "that person is always happy, he must have really good luck", or the opposite "she is always a 'Debbie Downer', she must have had a horrible life", both people could have had the exact  same events happen to them.  I just won $15!!  We could say "that is awesome" or "that won't help me pay the mortgage".  The person who thinks it's awesome will walk around with a smile on her face.  Full disclosure:  I did win $15 last night and I do think it's awesome.

How your brain filters information affects your mood; if it turns into stress, that can affect your health.  If you think your future's so bright you've gotta wear shades, we'll be standing back watching you change the world!!  How you act and react in public is part of the equation but what you are saying to yourself, in the darkness of night, is much more important.  If you make the effort to discover your self-talk, you have made a great discovery!!

Have a wonderful day!


Today's Mantra:  I will take the time to understand my mantras.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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