Saturday, April 19, 2014

Can You Access Your Spidey Senses?

If you watch NCIS, you know Gibbs solves a lot of cases by trusting his gut.  Hipsters call it using their "spidey senses".  We were all born with intuition but I wasn't able to access mine until I learned how to purposefully connect to it.

I do this by getting quiet, in a meditative state and asking questions to understand how I feel and what I really know about a situation.  If you were in a dysfunctional situation growing up, your intuition could be hidden beneath fear

People who are good at using their intuition recommend focusing on your third eye, imagining the flame of a candle there, watching it flicker.  Deep breathing, four counts in and four counts out, in a relaxed manner, also helps.  Andrew Weil has wonderful breathing techniques available.

Yes, a lot of people are able to feel their gut, or have an intuitive "hit", but if that wasn't reinforced for you as a child, it is a skill you can learn.  Perhaps you could never do anything right as a kid, were always corrected, no matter what choice you made.  That makes someone question and second-guess himself or herself.  Another issue could be families that have lots of secrets and they are being told to hide the truth.

I was having a session with someone recently, where my client wasn't sure what to do in a complicated situation.  We went to a meditative place, literally and figuratively, we discussed her values, her truth, we detached (discussed and decided to negate) information from someone who was trying to pressure and manipulate her, this allowed her to make choices based on her values and internal guidance without outside influences.

Just begin the process of knowing yourself.  That is the perfect first step.  Who you are, who you admire, who you want to become is all good information to understanding yourself.  Everyone has distractions but if you can make an intention to find some quiet time each day to connect with yourself, that is a wonderful way to find and develop your intuition.  

So when someone says his instincts are telling him to go with an idea, make a change, get out of Dodge, or how to know whether any decision is right or wrong, have faith in that; and know that you have the same special powers within you, you just have to find access, practice, and make sure you aren't allowing fear to lead you in the wrong direction.  You don't even have to have radioactive blood or be able to do whatever a spider can;)

Have a wonderful day!!


Today's Mantra:  I intend to connect to my intuition.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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