Thursday, April 17, 2014

You Snooze, You Lose, or Do You??

I usually hate to shop, when I see ads for Black Friday, it makes me feel overwhelmed.  Is there only one chance to get a good deal on that toaster?  Ha ha, that was in jest..........I completely understand there is a culture for Black Friday shoppers and the fact that it's not only about the purchases, of course I get it, I am an American.   But what about the special gift with purchase at the make up counter or the items we buy from 3am infomercials?  Is a movie really better on opening day?  Are we creating an unnecessary sense of urgency in our lives?

I am not immune to feeling a sense of urgency but most of the time I do have the awareness of it enough to make something a choice instead of feeling compelled to do it.  I believe there are unlimited opportunities for making good things happen in your life and that belief brings me more peace and contentment.  

If we bring it down to only competing with ourselves, we know that there isn't just one job, not just one dream home, nor just one best option for most of the choices we make.  With that knowledge comes relief and with relief comes a sense of self and an ability to do our best in potentially stressful situations.  

The newest research says that some stress is good for us, but we all should know that staying in a hyper-vigilant state where we force ourselves to keep up with the latest and greatest, and then we second guess our decisions isn't good for us.  

So if you like to snooze, then you should.  If you like to be an early bird, have fun with that.  But know that your best efforts come from being true to yourself, allowing yourself the gift of peace from the knowledge that you know what's best for you, and you will know when the timing is right for you.  And, hey, if you're going to the sale anyway, can you pick me up a toaster if it's a good deal;)

Have a wonderful day!!


Today's Mantra:  I intend to release the belief that I only have one chance to fulfill my dreams.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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