Monday, May 5, 2014

How To Avoid Drowning in the Deep End

At some point, we all end up "in the deep end".  You will find yourself in a place where you don't have the experience or essentials to swim out on your own.  Here's what I suggest:  become aware; acknowledge the situation; ask for help; regroup; learn from the experience; and release the regret.  Prepare your team before you need them; are there people you can trust with more experience than you? 

Do you remember the movie "The Sure Thing" with John Cusack, where they didn't know how they would make it and she remembered her dad had given her a credit card for emergencies, but she didn't know if it was an emergency?  People can be in crisis without even realizing it.  Do you too often take chances with your emotional or physical safety?

When looking for advice, don't always rely on people your own age because their answers are based on their own filters of fear and inexperience.  Everyone has an opinion, but it doesn't help you if their stuff gets in the way of your truth.  Understand that you always have the option to unplug.  We're in too deep, we've come too far, we have invested too much to pull the plug; these are all ego-driven, no, no.  You always have the option of changing your mind.  Always.  There is always a choice; with consideration and respect to others involved, of course.

Panic makes our brains stop working efficiently, so figure out a plan before you get into trouble and practice enough that your plan becomes ingrained.  I used to tell my kids if their shoes got stuck in the road or on the train tracks, forget about the shoes.  In a fire, forget about the valuables.  If you are being assaulted for money, let go of your wallet.  Crisis rules (different than your daily standards) apply.  You are the most important thing in each of those situations.

In my most public situation of being in too deep, why didn't I pull the plug earlier?  I thought I only had one chance at success.  I was so caught up in trying to find a way to make things work, I didn't even realize the situation was impossible.  I was so focused on keeping my head above water that I was drowning and I didn't even know it.  Everyone had advice and it was all different.  I was looking outward instead of inward.  Perspective helps in situations of overwhelm.  That is what creating space is about.

We learn from our mistakes.  But you can learn without drowning.  The faster you pull the plug on an undesirable situation, the more energy you have to fix it.  

Have a wonderful day!!


Today's Mantra:  When your intuition is telling you that you are in too deep, listen.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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