Sunday, May 25, 2014

If We Didn't Know We Were Different, Would There Be Less Conflict in the World?

Excerpts from an ABC news story by Steve Osunsami show an interesting and hopeful bond between three animals that should be enemies from a genetic perspective.  "At Noah's Ark, a wild-animal rescue center in Georgia, the 'BLT' are an unlikely trio that even 'Oz's' Dorothy would find hard to fear.  'It's a lion, a tiger and a bear - oh my!' said Allison Hedgecoth of Noah's Ark. 'They live together and they don't see their differences. They don't see their color differences.'

In a small pen, Baloo (an American black bear), Leo (the lion) and Shere Kahn (a Bengal tiger) cuddle, play ball, chase each other around, eat cookies daily and seem to have forged a friendship for life.  The three predators were rescued as cubs 12 years ago from drug dealers who'd abused and neglected them.

'All of them had issues,' Hedgecoth said. 'They have recovered more than 100 percent.'

.......When trainers tried to separate the animals, they acted out. For years, trainers said they.......had witnessed nothing but peace among the three.  'I think that the ordeal they went through as youngsters really bonded them together,' she told ABC News. 'That's all that they had. They only had each other for comfort.'

She said separating them now, after more than a decade together, would be 'cruel.....there definitely is something special going on between the three of them,' she said. 'That is definitely a lesson.'"

Three animals who would have been natural enemies in the wild bonded over a traumatic situation and found comfort from each other through their pain.  Without knowing they were different species and with only one of each type of animal, they found strength, peace, and happiness with each other. If we were in this situation ourselves, forming a melting pot of humanity, uncaring about cultural aspects, would it make a difference?

If we all had a chance to release our preconceived notions about each other, and as we look upon each as unique individuals, perhaps we would be more able to see our mutual interests, rather than excluding people because of their differences.

Have a wonderful day!


Today's Mantra:  I choose to see others as unique individuals.  

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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