Saturday, January 17, 2015

"This is Gonna Be the Best Day of My Life"

If you aren't in the habit of setting intentions, it's a great habit to start.  First thing in the morning, if you can carve out five minutes, setting intentions will bring an awareness to moments of your day and how you react to good or bad situations. 

We all have minor daily irritations.  Everything from bad traffic to forgetting to defrost something for dinner can throw us off our games.  Setting an intention, "this is gonna be the best day of my life" can help us to find ways to take focus off the bad and maximize the good.  The goal is releasing the effects of minor irritations as quickly as possible.

It takes practice and commitment but it's worth its weight in gold (or Bitcoin).  When we come across a minor daily irritation, concentrating on our breath begins the process of staying in the moment.  Some issues that bother us become chronic.  It's possible to have some control over those items.

I've mentioned before, someone suggested writing down your top irritations and working through the ones you can control.  My husband just replaced the pads on the bottom of our kitchen chairs, a few were worn out.  I bought new cookie sheets over the holidays, my old ones bothered me whenever I used them.  Can you set aside a few hours to lower your ongoing irritation level?  Making a list is a great step.  Sometimes we don't even realize the little things that really bother us.

Other irritations can't be controlled, that is when we have to remind ourselves nothing is perfect in this world.  If you can't let stress roll off your back, yoga and other mind-body activities work well for letting go.  

It's always one step at a time.  Hopefully, we are heading in the right direction as we take each step.  

Have a great day!


Today's Mantra:  I chose to minimize the effects of daily minor irritations.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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