Monday, January 5, 2015

Just for the Halibut;)

Have you taken the time to consider why you do the things you do?  Are you a risk-taker or are you methodical and careful?  Most children are fearless.  Did you add caution to your life as you got older? Being wiser doesn't have to mean you give up all risks.

Some people take actions to prove they are risk-takers.  Others do the opposite.  In my opinion, it's good to take risks, but we can mitigate the risks and still enjoy the thrills that come along with going beyond our comfort zones.

If you like to drive fast, there are simulators and closed racetracks to fill that need.  If you want to be a rock star, you could start with the feel of a standing ovation at Karaoke Night.  There are countless ways to take the risk of moving toward your dreams.  

Certain personality types want to do activities just to prove they can.  That's my definition of "just for the halibut;)".  Without labeling them or trying to define why people do the things they do, the need to test limits is universal, with some needing it more than others.

Yes, life is precarious and yes, we need to plan for the future.  But sometimes it's good to test our limits.  Because we won't know what we are capable of unless we try.  And oddly enough, the people trying the halibut are getting a healthy source of protein as a bonus;)

Have a great day!


Today's Mantra:  I choose to be aware of my personal limitations and test them when it feels right.

Mantra for Every Day: I choose to send love to all; receiving love back multiplied in infinite proportions, creating and nurturing pathways of love.

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