Monday, October 12, 2015

Are You An Innie or An Outie ;)

It’s always important to protect ourselves.  Telling everyone that you know your deepest darkest secrets can sometimes be detrimental.  At the same time, opening up to other people that care about us can be therapeutic.  How do we protect ourselves and make ourselves vulnerable at the same time?  We truly only need to open up our deepest secrets to ourselves, no need to ask for a public apology.

When I see other people lash out from emotional pain, protecting themselves from getting close to others with harsh words and deeds, I imagine them with hundreds of bungee cords wrapped around their bodies.  Keeping all of our emotions "locked up" makes it difficult to move forward.

I see people with internal strength as having super powers.  They know they have magical internal powers of strong self-esteem protecting them from harm.  "Yes," they say, "I will walk forward with my shoulders back, exposing my heart because I know my heart is protected internally."  People with emotional super powers know they are enough.  The harsh words and deeds of other humans affect them less.

People who have internal strength, the "innies", can withstand more eternal fluctuation.  The "outies" may seem strong and tough, but can fold under external pressure.  I think, in reality, we are all a mixture of both.  None of us has 100% internal confidence in every aspect of our lives.  

See if you can spot the people around you who are protecting themselves.  They can sound the harshest, but they may have internal wounds they aren't ready to work through.  Nobody goes through life without wounds.  As we strengthen our self-esteem, we lean toward being "innies", and that will make everything in our lives easier to deal with.

Have a great day!



Today's Mantra:  I choose to protect myself internally by strengthening my self-esteem.

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