Tuesday, October 6, 2015

"Today I don't feel like doing anything"

My highest potential is different that anyone else's because we all have different gifts and talents.  Are you making the most of what you have been given?  I used to tell my kids "everyone is good at something, no one is good at everything".  Some talents are more popular in kids than others.  If you have a less-popular talent, it can blossom as an adult.

It's a delicate balance between knowing we are doing enough versus making the most of each possibility.  If you aren't ready, you aren't ready.  If saying "no" to something on your "bucket list" is the best you can do that day, it's healthy to listen to your own intuition.

It's too much pressure to have to make sure each breath is "well-used".  Balance is key.  Interestingly, though, taking the pressure off can make us more productive!  My inner voice used to be so harsh I could become paralyzed by fear.

If you have a day where you "just want to lay in your bed", try to enjoy the sunshine through the window or enjoy your pillow, blanket and mattress.  That's making the most of your day, too.

Loving ourselves, being true to ourselves and being OK with our decisions are more important than what other people think about us.  If you love yourself, you will shine in front of a crowd!

Of course, we all need to socialize and be comfortable in society, that's not what I'm talking about.  I'm guessing Ferris Bueller had a more successful life than his buttoned-up sister.  (P.S. I was the buttoned-up one in high school.)

Know what you know, do what you do and be proud of your best each day, even if you were really good at communing with your mattress ;)  Releasing our expectations will give us the freedom to see possibilities we might not have seen otherwise.

Have a great day!


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