Sunday, August 16, 2015

Evolving to Soar (Loving Diane Keaton in "Baby Boom")

Back in the day, there was a movie called "Baby Boom" starring Diane Keaton.   She had a big job at a big company and she called the shots.  In a twist of fate, she became responsible for a baby, moved out of the city and started over (while falling in love).  

When she was trying to find a way not to waste the apples from her orchard, she "fell into" making specialty organic baby food before it was a popular commodity.  Then, she went back to the company she left to sell her product and get back into the "big time".  

"Baby Boom" has classic life lessons.  People who learn how to nurture themselves and strengthen their personal gifts and talents are able to showcase them in most situations.  Diane Keaton's character spent the entire movie evolving when it was not part of her original plan to have a child, move to the country or start a baby food business.  She rolled with the changes, forgave herself for mistakes she made along the way and ended the experience with a baby, a beautiful relationship and financial security.

Some people start life with more blessings than others.  Some have more obstacles to overcome.  We all make mistakes; we all have unlimited chances to start over.  Evolving is about trying our best as we learn and grow.  We all have choices, every day.  If we make the wrong choice one day, we can give ourselves a "clean slate" the next day.  Forgiving ourselves and others is a large part of personal growth.  Forgiving isn't forgetting and continuing to be vulnerable to abuse.  It's taking the power of the pain away so we have more opportunities to move forward.

There are levels of trauma on the spectrum of abuse.  If your level of trauma and pain is high, most likely you will need assistance in healing that pain before you can forgive.  Please reach out if you need help, you are worth it!!

Have a great day!!


Today's Mantra:  I choose the courage to change and reach out when necessary.

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