Thursday, August 27, 2015

"Let Me Be There in Your Morning, Let Me Be There in Your Night"

"Wherever you go
Wherever you may wander in your life
Surely you know
I always wanna be there
Holding you hand
And standing by to catch you when you fall
Seeing you through
In everything you do"
John Rostill

Olivia Newton-John fan, here;)  Being supported by friends and family is one of the most wonderful gifts we can receive as human beings.  Have you reached out before and been rejected?  It's painful.  It can be difficult to not take rejection personally.  But when we know we are on earth to learn and grow, we realize it might be about us if we are rejected, and use that information as food for thought; or it might not be about us at all.  No one knows everything another person is going through.  

Learning how to forgive yourself for past mistakes and love yourself unconditionally makes it easier to feel confident enough to put ourselves out there.  As we increase self-esteem, the pain of rejection lessens.  When we love ourselves exactly as we are in this moment, we begin to attract more support.  

If you were supported and unconditionally loved as a child, you have the foundation of self-esteem that can grow through acknowledging your accomplishments.  If you were not supported and unconditionally loved as a child, it takes more effort to create a positive baseline of feeling those emotions but it can be done working through meditation and other forms of deep relaxation.

The first step is knowing we don't need anyone else to "be there" for us, we can "be here" for ourselves.  When we take the time to list what we feel we have done wrong in the past and begin to forgive ourselves for our mistakes, our lives become better.  We all make mistakes.  We all must make amends and forgive ourselves to move forward.

Worthiness, self-esteem and unconditional love make up the fabric of our internal knowingness that we are "enough".  And we are all "enough".  When I had my children, I remember being so happy for the miracle of their births.  Nurturing my kids, teaching them they were "enough", was the greatest gift I could give to the world at that time and it made my choices easy when it came to child-rearing decisions.  

Nurturing can come from anyone, not just a parent.  Teachers, coaches and countless other authority figures can all assist in nurturing kids and grown-ups.  If you don't love yourself, find a nurturing group to join,  We all deserve to know we are enough and our best is enough.  Counting on others to "be there" helps us walk through life with confidence.

Have a great day!!


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